Sciatic Pain (43 years old, Female)

Clinical Manifestations:
Onset: 3 months ago patient fell down on the ground and the pain started from her lower back first
VAS: 4~8
Location: Lleft side gluteus area, lateral side of the thigh and calf
Quality: a sharp, shooting, or electric shock-like pain
Aggravating Factors: Activities, standing and sitting long hours
cAlleviating Factors: Stretching and massaging
TCM Pattern Differentiation
Qi and Blood Stagnation on the GB meridian (TrPs on the Piriformis, gluteus minimus and medius m.)
Treatment Method
1st visit: Ling Gu & Ba Bai with movement – gives instant pain relief at least 50% + electro-acupuncture on GB29 & 30 with ashi-points (trigger points)
2nd visit: electro-acupuncture on GB29 & 30 with ashi-points (trigger points)
3rd visit: Acupuncture Injection Therapy
4th visiit: Cupping and Tui Na
Treatment Result
After 1 treatment a week for 4 times, patients sciatic pain has completely disappeared
*image used for illustrative purposes only.