The new fees will take effect starting February 1, 2025.
Initial Consultation & Evaluation (Acupuncture & TCM)
Consultation only: $60 (30 min)
Consultation with Treatment: Included in initial treatment fee ($30)
Every new patient must have Initial Consultation before the treatment.
Additional $30 for each 15min may apply.
TMJ Acupuncture & Gua Sha
Initial: $170
Follow up: $145
Orthopedic Acupuncture
& Sport Massage
Orthopedic Acupuncture
Sport Massage
Initial: $180
Follow up: $155
- Benefit -
Anyone with musculoskeletal conditions or injuries, whether they are caused by sports, work, or everyday activities
Comprehensive Acupuncture
Acupuncture or Electro-Acu (EA)
Cupping & Tui Na
Initial: $180
Follow up: $155
- Benefit -
Work-related stress and muscle tension.
Advanced Acupuncture
Customized Treatment
Initial: $210
Follow up: $180
Advanced acupuncture is a progressive field that expands on the traditional principles of acupuncture to offer innovative techniques and approaches that deliver more effective and comprehensive treatments for a wide range of conditions.
Our practitioner may utilize various modalities, such as Acupotomy, Electroacupuncture, Myofascial Trigger Point Acupuncture, and Radial shockwave therapy, to augment the effects of acupuncture and provide enhanced treatment.
Acupuncture: 12 free Treatments
Kinesiology: 12 free Treatments
RMT: 1 free Initial Treatments
11 follow up:
45min ($20 user fee)
60min ($40 user fee)
You are eligible for 12 pre-authorized treatments for motor vehicle accident (MVA) injury within 12 weeks of the date of the accident.
Radial Shockwave Therapy
Initial: $100
Follow up: $70
This treatment must be consult by our practitioner to determine if it is appropriate for you.
Nutrient Injections
Subsequent Visit
10min $70
MSK & Neural Injections
Subsequent Visit
30min $180
Every new patient must have Initial Assessment with our Naturopath Doctor before the Subsequent Visit.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, a 24-hour notice is required. Missed or cancelled
appointments with less than 24 hours notice will incur a fee of 100% of the charge for the scheduled appointment.
The treatment time is an average range only and is certain to vary from any situation.