About Trigger Point
Trigger points are caused by muscle injury. Muscles can be injured suddenly in accidents or damage can occur slowly due to repeated...

Meet our new practitioner, Dr. Yook
Yoon Clinic would like to introduce our New TCM & Acupuncture practitioner Dr. Hyun Hee Yook. We are excited to have another great...

Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis "FACE MAPPING"
Your face is a mirror of your health. Every organ, muscle, nerve and cell for that matter, must work together to assure homeostasis. If...

A Case of Coughing (Hu Xi-Shu (胡希恕) Case)
Huang, Female, 38 years old Initial diagnosis was on Feb 12, 1966: Patient presented with a cough combined with expectoration of white...

Duodenal Ulcer (Hu Xi-Shu (胡希恕) Case)
Mr. Wang, male, 46 years old Initial diagnosis on November 30, 1965: For over 10 years the patient has suffered with epigastric pain...

Chronic Neck Pain (39 year old, Female)
Clinical Manifestations: She had suffered with chronic neck pain for many years but gradually became worse about half year ago. The pain...

Cervical Pain (53 year old, Female)
Clinical Manifestations: She had suffered with cervical pain that radiated down the right scapula, forearm, and wrist for a year....

Chronic Shoulder Pain (48 year old, Female)
Clinical Manifestations: She had suffered from pain in left shoulder for three years. Although the degree of pain was not severe, she had...

Sciatic Pain (43 years old, Female)
Clinical Manifestations: Onset: 3 months ago patient fell down on the ground and the pain started from her lower back first VAS: 4~8...

Waking up with severe anxiety (32 years old, Female)
Clinical Manifestations: Pulse: deep, thready, weak and slightly wiry History: Patient came to Canada when she was 15 years old by...