What is Acupotomy?
Acupotomy is a comprehensive medical treatment system that combines traditional Chinese medicine and modern medical theories by incorporating a scalpel function into conventional acupuncture therapy. Professor Han-Zhang Zhu of China first developed it in 1976, but its roots can be traced back to the "Nine-needles" described in the TCM classic, the Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor, indicating that it is not an entirely novel approach.
How it works and what are the treatable conditions?
The needle used in Acupotomy is thin, sharp, and flexible. It is inserted into the affected area and used to cut through the fascia, tendons, muscles, and other tissues that may be causing pain or dysfunction.

Acupotomy is generally used to treat musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain, neck pain, joint pain, and sports injuries. It also treats conditions like tension headaches, migraines, trigger fingers, adhesive capsulitis and thoracic outlet syndrome. This technique works by releasing tension and promoting circulation in the affected area, which helps reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and promote healing.

What to expect after the Acupotomy treatment?
Acupotomy is a safe and effective treatment option when a qualified and experienced practitioner performs it. After the procedure, patients may experience some mild pain, swelling, or bruising in the treated area. However, these symptoms typically subside within a few days, and patients can usually resume their normal activities shortly after the procedure.